Wanna share my own experience and made out tested recipe: during left-side headache the following remedy probably eliminate it totally with the positive result holding for a span of time of about a week or more. Intake perorally 2000IU (usually 4 drops) of vitamin D3or2(cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol) with a cup of kifer and then get intramuscular injection of from 25 to 75 microgram of vitamin B12(cyanocobalamine, i.e. approximately from 10 to 30 recommended dietary allowances) usually into higher lateral corner of glutes with sterile syringe,– note that MICROgram, not milligram! After procedure rest or nap sufficient lap. In the case flax or perilla or hemp seeds oil or similar with Polyunsaturated fatty acids would not be excessive as well as calcium supplements in moderate mean doses ( about 500milligram for calcium or 100gram of cheese that also contains vitamin B12 of around 1 microgram per 100gram of product). The invention especially concerns humans adhering vegetarian or vegan types of nutrition as I have been doing for more a decade. And good day, be just, build and save your values and share it and keep it right on any bout of life! Ps Original ideas if presented are the intellectual property of author i.e. me(Vasily Urievich Demin from Russia, born in Ryazan) and have shown in here only for mental elevation of visitors and non-commercial use, and in the general sense any author's material or direct derivatives from them etc can't be used for commercial purposes without my written agreement. For using it in scientific ways you need citation on me, for instance: Vasily Urievich Demin Russia, Ryazan - private communication. If weren't said by me overwise the same concerns any of my posts or private talks etc anywhere asserting in the spirit of the licence ..with the best right sincere wishes , Vasily Demin. #vegan #vegetarian #ethicallifestyle #headaches #clusterheadaches #hemicrania #nutrition #vitaminb12 #cyanocobalamine #vitaminD #cholecalciferol #ergocalciferol #polyunsaturatedfattyacids #pufa #calcium #supplements #remedy #curing